
остров Кука


остров Кука.

Трафальгар. Трафальгарское сражение 21 октября 1805 года.

1 доллар.

2010 год. тираж 5000 экз.

серебро 999.вес 31,13 грамм.


Fought near the Spanish port of Cadiz on 21 October 1805 between square-rigged warships of the Royal Navy and the Franco-Spanish alliance, the Battle of Trafalgar ended Napoleon Bonaparte's plan to invade Britain.  Brave tactics employed by Lord Nelson’s outnumbered fleet saw the Royal Navy achieve one of its most celebrated victories.  But it came at the cost of the legendary Admiral’s life.  Picked off by a French marksman, Nelson died aboard his illustrious flagship, HMS Victory.

Рекомендуемая цена: 13000 руб.

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